About Attack K-9

Today more then ever security is an issue. You are at risk, your business is as risk.
What would you do if you arrived at your business or home to find you have been victimized by vandalism or a break-in? Hundreds even thousands of dollars worth of inventory stolen or destroyed. Don't become a victim. Know your facts and take a pro-active course of action. With Attack K-9 you will Rest Easy.
Attack K-9 offers a unique concept of Canine Protective Services for businesses. We strive to offer the most comprehensive security service to our clients at a very competitive rate. We provide a hands on assessment to meet the security requirements of your company bringing with us over 20 years experience.
We breed and train our own dogs which provides us with the best knowledge to gauge each dogs capabilities, action, and strengths. Guard dogs are primarily an early warning system. They are trained to detect any intruder at any time and Guard Dogs are the Most Effective and Inexpensive Security course of action for any business.
Chicagolands Source for Reliable Security Dogs.
- Police Recommended
- Insurance Recommended
All of our employees have received training regarding care, health and safety of our K-9's.
We have over 20 years experience, we're a family owned business, and our scope of services range from office buildings to warehouse, to rehab, to vacant property.
We strive to offer the most comprehensive security service to our client at a very competitive rate. We provide an in-depth hands-on assessment to meet the security requirements of your company.
Our guard dogs are unsurpassed in the industry. All of our canines are bred "in-house." We know their temperament, personalities, strengths. We breed German Shepherds, Dutch Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Malinois.
Attack K-9 Security, providing the finest guard, security, protection, attack canines available! We protect you, your business, your investment.